
A Summary Of Concrete Angel

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The effects from the different forms of abuse in the home can affect a person’s development and self growth. Martina McBride wrote a powerful song called Concrete Angel. This song is about her adolescent niece whom grew up with an abusive and alcoholic mother. This story is a powerful message about the effects abuse can have on a young child. Abuse can cause long term mental and physical damage. This may include learning capability, physical appearance, and personality identification. Children are subjected mostly to abuse in the home even if the abuse is not directed toward the child. The three most common types of abuse in the home are physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Physical abuse is causing physical harm to one person. This includes …show more content…

Emotional abuse is making threats, putting people down, humiliating, criticizing and name calling. When a parent or guardian harms a child’s mental and social development, or causes severe emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that causes damage over time. Emotional abuse is, in some ways the opposite of mistreatment, whereas mistreatment is a parental act. It is a parent’s failure to act. It’s a failure to notice, attend to, or respond appropriately to a child’s feelings. Because it’s an act of omission, it’s not visible, noticeable or memorable. Emotional abuse is the white space in the family picture; the background rather than the foreground. It is insidious and over looked while it does its silent damage to people’s lives. There are six different types of emotional abuse. These include rejecting, ignoring, terrorizing, isolating, corrupting, and exploiting. In my opinion, the worst of the six are terrorizing, corrupting and exploiting. Terrorizing is excessive teasing, screaming, cursing, and raging at a child. It is also unpredictable, unreasonable or extreme reactions. Parents who use threats, yelling and cursing are doing serious psychological damage to their children. Causing a child to be terrified by the use of threats and or intimidating behavior is some of the worst emotional abuse. This includes witnessing, hearing or knowing that violence is taking place in the home. …show more content…

Statistics show that 72% of all murder- suicide cases are incidents of domestic abuse, and in 97% of murder-suicide cases the victims of the murder were women. Martina Mcbride's song Concrete Angel, tells the story of her abused niece and how she was beaten to death from her mothers drunken rage. Childhood abuse does not end in childhood. It is a long term effect on how the child will pursue new relationships and how they will react to specific situations. In personal opinion parents/guardians should pay attention to certain acts of behaviour in front of their children. Although no one is perfect, it is important that parents put their children into consideration when acting upon certain situations. Children are the future of America and every child deserves to have all the tools necessary to succeed in life. In some cases, the physical effects are temporary; however, the pain and suffering can cause long term effects such as anxiety and depression as their brain matures. All forms of abuse take effect on a child’s outlook on life and are equally damaging. Children have the ability to become an extraordinary individual who can one day change the world. Childhood should be filled with joyful memories and encouragement to chase your dreams. Lead by example and give the children of today a fighting chance to become something

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