
A Tale Of Two Summers For Parents Analysis

Decent Essays

In the article, “ A Tale of Two Summers for Parents”, by Belinda Luscombe makes a point in which summer is the most difficult time especially for parents. The difficulty is mainly due to the fact that the children have 6 extra hours of free time on their hands and that the parent working works for minimum wage. At these circumstances the parent cannot get a babysitter, therefore leaving the child alone while the parent works to be able to put a meal on the table. As it was stated in the article, Deborah Harrell, was taken into custody for leaving her 9 year old daughter at the park with a cell phone while Deborah went to work at a McDonald’s that was near. These are the results of low wage income and the cost for a babysitter when it isn’t …show more content…

If someone leaves their child at a park and goes to work only to work for minimum wage income. We should not charge the people for supervision, we should be glad to help out our community. Children may get into accidents even lose their lives if they are left without responsible supervision. Would you like it if you worked at a job where they payed you minimum wage and you also had a 9 or 10 year old child? Knowing that you cannot afford a babysitter, knowing that you will have to leave your child at a park close to work or even at home where they can set the house on fire? I know I would not want that. At last, I would like to state that their needs to be an organization for taking care of children, no payments involved, serves for community service. Have Teens and Adults look after children in a park for someone who cannot afford a babysitter during the summer. It is not about the money, it is about how you make an impact on your community and those around you. It is about helping those in need without the worry about money. Where the parent can drop off their child at the park where this organization could at and have the parent have full trust. It is about helping one another even if you do not know the other person you’re helping out. To me an organization like this is something that needs to be started for the people in the community. I know there will be complications with starting an organization that provides free child supervision but it is not impossible and if we all were to play a role in it then it could be something that helps out other people in the

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