
A Theory Of Careers And Vocational Choice Based Upon Personality Types

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Holland Codes RIASEC refers to a theory of careers and vocational choice based upon personality types. Psychologist, John L. Holland, developed the theoretical framework behind the Holland Codes. Each letter or code stands for a particular "type": Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders), and Conventional (Organizers)." According to Holland, a three-letter code represents a client 's overall personality. The test consists of 48 example tasks that you rate by how much you would enjoy performing each on a scale of (1) dislike (2) slightly dislike (3) neither like not dislike (4) slightly enjoy (5) enjoy. The test will take five to ten minutes to complete. The five personal Style Scales had coefficient alphas that ranged from .82 to .87 obtained for both the O*NET Interest Profiler and the Interest-Finder. The O*NET Interest Profiler and Interest-Finder had very high internal consistency estimates across all the RIASEC scales. The reliability estimates, ranging from .93 to .96, are very similar across RIASEC scales and interest measures. In Holland’s Theory, consistency refers to the relatedness of types in the obtained code. Pairs of types next to each other on the Holland Hexagon are more psychologically alike then pairs father away. If the secondary code is composed of two types next to each other the code is consistent. This inventory has been professional developed and validated against established

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