
A Very Brief Summary Of Minho's Tattoos

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Thomas has brown eyes and hair, and is sixteen, and has a tattoo on his neck that says “to be killed by group b”. Newt is tall, muscular, blonde, and has a square jaw. Newt also has a strong british accent and a tattoo saying “the glue”. Minho is seventeen, asian, with broad shoulders and strong arms, with a tattoo with the words “the leader”. Minho is also loyal, aggressive, funny, and has a habit of needing the last word. Teresa is seventeen, has pale skin, black hair, and blue eyes. Her tattoo says “the betrayer”. Aris is eighteen, has olive skin, dark hair cut short, tall, and a tattoo that says “the partner”. “The Scorch Trials” main setting is in the scorch, which is an extremely hazardous place. The Scorch is located in between

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