
A View From The Bridge Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

I have two predictions so far about the book I am reading. I predict that Roland and Eddie will have to go back to Eddie’s world to get supplies. “Eddie, he tries to say, but his voice is all gone. His throat hurts, hurts so bad. We should have brought some astin too, he thinks, and then tries to laugh: all the drugs for him none for Eddie.” (King 186). At the beginning of the book, some giant lobster-like animals took two of Roland’s fingers and one of his toes. Not only was he weak from traveling, he now is suffering from blood loss and infection. Later in the book when Roland takes Eddie back into his world, Eddie brings some aspirin with to try and help Roland. The aspirin helps, but they are almost out of it. Going back into Eddie’s world …show more content…

Also, they are pretty much low on everything. They have no water, no good food, and no fresh clothes. Lastly, it would be very helpful if Roland could get some more ammo for his revolver since most of what is left are duds. I can also predict that after Roland and Eddie get better, they will go on to try to find the Dark Tower. “Tower, he mouths, because now he can’t even manage a husk… North, the gunslinger mouths. North, I told you” (King 191). In the last book, Roland was on a quest, and it did not end after the man in black died. His main goal in life is to find the dark tower which is why I think he will still keep going with Eddie. He will continue with Eddie because Eddie needs to help him. Also, Eddie is one of the three people Roland has to meet on his quest, so Roland will most likely keep going with Eddie. In the last book, the man in black predicted that Roland would meet someone to go with him on his quest, and that is what happened. Eddie will probably play a crucial part on the journey to the tower by helping Roland. Roland even told Eddie that it was his destiny to come with him on his quest. That was how he convinced Eddie to come into Roland’s

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