The second artist I choose for my final is AC/DC. AC/DC is a hard rock band that formed in 1973. They have influenced generations with popular hard rock that when people hear it, it takes them back. In the beginning for AC/DC, they struck oil! In 1776, they went international with the album High Voltage which included that single and T.N.T. One artist who influenced AC/DC was Led Zeppelin, he showed AC/DC how to take rock n roll fundamentals and make them even harder. What made AC/DC so different was they were formed in Australia. On almost all of their songs, you can pick one song and right into the intro, it gets your blood pressure going. AC/DC is arguably the best at intro’s and overall music. There’s kids still wearing shirts that have
Choose an artist from the period 1900-1970 and to examine their relationship to the cultural and social framework of their era with reference to an important or influential album.
Lastly, many have heard the rumors about a pianist being smarter than a football player, making athletes out to be incompetent and band geeks out to be weird but what if this was actually the case.
The Motley Crue is a heavy metal band, with carefree lifestyle, that they spread throughout the world through their music. The members of the band were not only memorable on the stage, but off stage as well. They lived a lifestyle most would not deem socially correct, though it seemed to benefit their career. Selling over 100 million albums worldwide, Motley Crue helped spread the heavy metal brand of music around the world. All of these factors contributed to making them one of the best selling bands of all time. Their style, their life outside of music, and the spread of their music has lead Motley Crue to the top of Rock and Roll.
When I first browsed through the different topics on which we were to write essays on, I was ecstatic when I saw one about rock and roll. Once I started skimming through all the bands and artists I know and love, I knew there would be no problem writing this essay. I firmly believe that I was born in the wrong generation of music because I am a hardcore oldies junkie at heart. For this reason, the bands I have selected are as follows: The Beastie Boys, Fleetwood Mac, The Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Johnny Cash, and The Righteous Brothers.
Rough Draft For music to endure for centuries it has to have, in addition to wondrous sound, but an image of its composer that electrifies for generations. Rock N Roll has it all, yet to understand it deeply we must understand the fathers. Chuck Berry plunged his guitar into his amp and turned the hairs of his audience electric. Elvis Presley, the heartthrob of the south would give Rock N Roll its image for the next decade while America started to find out who it was and what their bleak future had in store for them.
The perception of excessive force has been intensely debated for the last few decades. With continuous public defiance increasing, instances of police brutality are rising at an exponential rate. However, the accessibility to social media has greatly increased as well, therefore, causing us to become more aware of such situations. With that considered, the increased amount of police beatings is far less than what may be perceived. Frequently occurrences of police brutality are brought to our attention through the media. Often times, broadcasting very graphic, and sometimes unlawful situations. Several people may say that discrimination against particular ethnicities may be the main cause of this recent influx. Though, others may believe that subsequent social disparities towards specific ethnicities may cause frustration, consequently, causing law enforcement officers to use unnecessary excessive force, more frequently.
The Beatles, the band that took trips around the world while taking trips through their own minds. They have changed the cultural landscape with their music, their fashion style, and their drug use. When they were in their prime, they gave people something new to look up to. People loved the new psychedelic rock, and even made long hair for men not only casual but desirable. Eventually they even popularized drugs, mostly LSD.
Throughout time music has been constantly changing and evolving, eventually causing it form to what it is today. As time has gone on, different genres of music have been introduced and became popular such as Rock n Roll, Blues, EDM etc. However, regardless of the genre of music, they have all come together to modernize and serve the purpose of entertaining the audience. If I were to induct modern musical artists, due to their popularity and overall impact on society, into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame it would consist of: Dr. Dre, Drake, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift.
One of the major turning points in Western popular music is rock and roll of the 1950s. This style of popular music was distinctive in its sounds and origins, as it was the first time white music was combined with race music successfully in mainstream media. Rock and roll reflected the social and cultural shifts that were occurring in American society after World War II, and music continues to reflect society and popular culture today. Rock and roll of the 1950s marked the shift of dominant musical influences from European (melodic) to African American music (rhythmic).
Maroon V (five). OneRepublic. Both of these are bands you have probably heard of on the radio at least once. Maroon V is quite a bit further ahead than OneRepublic despite the fact that they are just a few years apart in age. The reasoning behind that could be that they are obviously similar. It is probably just because Adam Levine is a swoon-worthy man.
The main innovation in rock was the electric guitar. It brought a loud and free-spirited feeling that came with rocking out. It loosened up the music which brought many different styles and genres within rock. It broadened the horizons to rock and roll letting people express themselves through their music. This rock craze spilled overseas into Britain where many great artists were born. The British Invasion happened in the mid 1960’s when bands moved from the United Kingdom to perform in America. The two main bands coming out of this time period were the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. Both left lasting impressions on American music. Led Zeppelin, The Who, and The Animals were also a part of this important time period in rock and roll history. In this era most of America’s top music charts all topped out with rock and roll songs coming from Britain. Some notable songs are “House of the Rising Sun,” by The Animals, “Want to Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles, and many others. Even though the British Invasion took the United States by storm, it was just the beginning.
Propaganda also convinced women to join the war effort because women were just as important as men during WWII for the implications regarding productivity for military material. War was a masculine endeavor and it was controversial that women join the military service. To ease the minds of American men, the OWI conceived a respectable female soldier image. In Figure 2, a mother is proud that her son and daughter are both dutiful children and part of the military. This poster conveyed to parents that it was patriotic for daughters to enter the service without having her socially shunned and shame the family (Briones 56).
Rock and Roll in the 1960’s was a very memorable decade. Rock and roll music went through a very dramatic transformation; A few bands went through some changes of their own to keep selling albums. Two very popular bands that went through a transformation was the Beach Boys and the Beatles. I bring up these two well-known bands because I believe that they played a key role in the transformation of rock and roll. Rock and roll would not be the same today without these two remarkable bands. Between the Beach Boys and the Beatles, I guess someone could say that there was a little bit of friction. This was because when the Beach Boys debuted in 1961 they were known as Americas favorite band, until The Beatles came to the states in 1964. The Beatles brought something new with them when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean from England, and this was just the beginning of something new. This friction between the Beach Boys and The Beatles is what started a beautiful transformation of music in the rock and roll world, and it all started with the albums Pet Sounds and SGT Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
One of my favourite bands of all time is Nirvana, because this was the first rock band I started listening to at the age of twelve and this established my taste of music until nowadays. However, they had a big influence on their contemporary pop-rock musical industry in the early nineties, as well. Despite the fact that they released only three studio albums in seven years, Nirvana is often regarded as one of the most influential, effective and remarkable rock bands of the century.
When the question is brought up, “What does band mean to you?” I immediately think of the responsibility, hard work, and dedication and band has given me the chance to learn and strengthen. In addition to these life skills are many others, such as leadership, teamwork, and friendship. The Force has made more than just a difference in my high school career, it has impacted my life and has provided me with skills that will follow me throughout my life. Band means to supporting each other as we work through the hard times and grow closer as a family. Band means working hard and taking on responsibility for yourself. It also means being dependable, that people can count on you and your ability to achieve the unthinkable.