
ACL Speech Outline

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General Purpose: To explain what the Anterior Cruciate Ligament is.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how the ACL can be torn.
General Idea: I will go into detail about what the acl is, how it can be torn, and the process to go through after it has been torn.
In my speech I am going to start off by letting my audience know some facts about ACL tears. My speech is going to be all about the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and how it tears. I feel that I am certified to speak about this topic because I have torn my ACL before and I know just about everything there is to know about the whole process. I will go into detail about what the acl is, how it can be torn, and the process to go through after it has been torn.
1. What …show more content…

A lot of doctors won’t schedule you for a surgery until most swelling has gone down.
3. If you have actually torn it you don’t have to have surgery, but if you plan on being active for the rest of your life then you will need surgery.
B. Repairing the ACL.
1. There are three ways to replace your ACL. There is an ACL graft, which is from another human body, a patellar tendon graft, and a hamstring graft.
2. The most common way is the graft from another human.
3. After

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