
ADRP 1: Outline And Justifies The Army As A Profession

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ADRP 1 is an extremely important document that outlines and justifies the Army as a profession. It is critical that Army Leaders at all levels understand the relevance and significance of this document. Of all the characteristics of the Army profession, trust is paramount. Trust is covered in chapter three, making it the most important chapter in the publication. It is relevant to Army Captains because it is foundational, not only to our validity as future commanders but also to our ability to effectively lead Soldiers. The chapter on trust is the most important chapter of ADRP 1 because trust is the foundation of our relationship with the American People, it is a critical element of leadership and it is essential to the application of mission command. …show more content…

It is an earnest mission, one that is entrusted to us by the people of the United States. It is our responsibility to uphold and honor the trust which the nation has placed in us. Lethality is a core aspect of the Army. We are trusted by the nation to apply this lethal force in a manner that is honorable and moral. It is vital that company grade officers understand this and the impacts of betraying the trust of the nation. It is vital because we can reasonably expect to be faced with decisions that will involve the application of violence upon an enemy. In today’s environment of high scrutiny from nearly every angle, a single decision that leads to the immoral or unlawful application of violence can have a direct effect upon the trust relationship between the people of the Unites States and the Army. It is our solemn duty to maintain trust in our ability to professionally conduct combat operations in any environment we are challenged

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