
AS 5100 Bridge Design Standards: The Building Code Of Australia

Satisfactory Essays

1. Australian Standards

Several Australian Standards have been identified through the early stages of preliminary research. The purpose of these standards is to ensure structural safety for the Australian community in the present and in future. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) comes up with the required codes and requirement that ought to be followed whenever a structure is being laid. Among these standards are the AS 5100 bridge design, the AS 3600 concrete design and the AS 4100 steel structure design standards.
1.1. AS 5100 – Bridge Design

For a long period of time, design of traffic barriers for bridges in Australia lacks consistency and for this reason, standard guidelines to solve the issues was necessary. The purpose of these guidelines were to aid bridge designers, contractors and other relevant stakeholders to design bridges that are relevant, consistent and reduce cost during the process of selection and bridge development. The AS 5100 Australian Bridge Design Standard is one of the guidelines that will be discussed in this section. …show more content…

When bridges are poorly constructed, they may fail due to load they carry, collision by derailed trains or even by vehicles that lose control leading to catastrophic incidences. However, if bridges are well-constructed, the chances or injury are greatly minimized in the event of an accident. Discussed in the subsections are the requirements of AS 5100 standards in relation to cable-stayed bridges and include design requirements for bridges, bridge aesthetics, bridge functional requirements, bridge component design requirements and bridge construction

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