
Abdominal Assessment Paper

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Abdominal Assessment
Upon further investigation, information was obtained and detailed clarifications were given to achieve the development of a nursing assessment on a 44-year-old female that was brought to the ER with complains of left lower quadrant pain. With this kind of assessment, the patient’s LLQ is often associated with the gastrointestinal tract, but it can also be connected to circumstances of the wall, skin, blood vessels, urinary tract, or reproduction organs. There are four quadrants in the abdomen, divided into nine regions and this assessment would be to inspection, auscultation, percussion and palpation. (Jenson, 2015.p.p 575-588)
Obtaining a personal history of the patient health would be my first assessment. Asking if she had any abdominal difficulty now, any unplanned changes in her weight, and any changes in special dietary needs, fever, chills, dizziness, a history of endometrial, ovarian or breast cancer. Clarifications on previous abdominal operations, pelvic surgical treatments, current traumas or latest infections. Providing this insight my reveal an exacerbation of a previously diagnosed illness. By opening, the discussion with a general approach allows trust.
Severe abdominal discomfort can be a symptom of tenderness, painfulness, and inflammation of a bowel or bowel …show more content…

Narrowing the problem down takes a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis. Which could reveals a mass. When your examine the patient start with the left iliac region, this area is dull to percussion: when you palpate it, you will comment on a mass (if this is the diagnosis). Always ask patient where does it hurt? How long has she had this pain? Check her blood work, look for discharge, sourness, or check her urine, if often tells or leads to localized pain. Since some causes are life threating abdominal pain patients need to be triage rapidly and precisely. (Simmons,

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