
Abigail Adams Persuasion Essay

Decent Essays

Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams and mother of John Quincy Adams, was the major supporter and driver of the men in her family. On January 12th of 1780, A. Adams wrote to her dear son J.Q. Adams, explaining why she implored him to travel to France with his father. As his mother, she had confidence that she knew best and it was her obligation to influence her son’s decision. A. Adams uses persuasion and logic to advise her son that his voyage to France with his father will be worthwhile. Abigail Adams seems to be distraught at the fact that she compelled her son to travel to France with his father. According to her, her choice to require his travel was driven by the fact that she did not have faith that her son was, “capable of judging what was most for [his] own benefit.” It is to be taken into consideration that J.Q. Adams was merely a thirteen year old youth. Argument and persuasion seem to be her vital tools when …show more content…

During this time that A. Adams wrote to her son, the Revolutionary War was coming to an end, and the Americans were the winners in the ring with their arms raised. With new nations, comes new governments. This new nation needed an era of leaders that would mold this country into on that would be appreciated and recognized by “ages yet unborn.” With such parents that cared for him and guided him to becoming the man that is beheld in his future, should it not be required that he be one of the leaders of this new country? With a father as a diplomat and one of the current leaders, it would be quite peculiar if J.Q. Adams did not possess the same morals, insights, and qualities as his father. He must not be ignorant to the responsibilities and obligations granted to him, regardless of his young age. His mother recognizes that and sends him on the trip to France to prime him for this

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