
Abiotic Factors In The Amazon Rainforest

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Rainforests are known to be critically important for human wellbeing and are often referred to as the lungs of the planet. This is because, rainforests not only absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen that all animals depend on for survival but due to the fact they also help stabilize climate, provide a home to many plants and animals, maintain the water cycle, protect the human population against flood, drought & erosion, and are a source for medicines and foods. Rainforest also happen to support tribal people and are known to be an interesting place to visit. Abiotic factors are referred to as non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems (, 2017). Some examples of abiotic factors in the Amazon forest include water cycle, temperature and carbon cycle. Additionally, the living components of an ecosystem also referred to as the biotic factors (, 2017) are elements of the Amazon forest. This includes the organisms living in the ecosystem and the present food chain. Altogether, these are factors and components that are seen in the Amazon forest, despite the deteriorating status of the rainforest due to human activities within the ecosystem. With these activities currently occurring, the amazon rainforest could potentially be eliminated if action is not taken.
1.5 Human activities occurring in the Amazon rainforest
The amazon rainforest faces destruction from human activities

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