
Ableism Research Paper

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The discrimination or exclusion by people who are nondisabled towards someone with disabilities is known as ableism. These disabilities can consist of mental, emotional, and physical. When you neglect someone because of their lack of physical, mental, and emotional abilities as you or has a disability, this is known as ableism. Ableism is similar to other discrimination, even though it is overlooked and some people do not even know that this kind of discrimination. Ableism is disrespectful to people that possess a particular disability because it has a negative effect on people and everyone should be more considerate, respectful, and helpful.
Even though ableism is completely wrong, there are still people who are not considerate of other …show more content…

There are stereotypes that people believe that can be completely inaccurate. Having group discussions about stereotype that are not accurate with people who believe and do not believe the stereotype will allow people to see both sides. Ways to cut down on disability stereotypes is when students and teachers without disabilities contribute in class activities that would equal out to having a disability. These activities will put the students without disabilities in the shoes of the students that have a disability. According to Ellman, merely adding children with disabilities in a classroom with students who do not have a disability is not going to be a very effective educational experience. Teachers and professors will have to find another way to cut down on ableism by students who are not disabled. Other ways that people in the community can help stop ableism is to have a multitude of clubs and activities that consist of disabled and nondisabled people. This will bring people in the community together and they would understand how people with a disability have. More parades of people with disabilities will make them feel better as a person. The more parades there are for people with disabilities the more people will understand how serious it can be. Ellman states that interacting with role models who are advocates for students with disabilities will help people understand the disabled. Young adults generally look up to what their role models do; so if they go against ableism, so will the student. Stopping ableism is nearly impossible, but if the government and the community come together, we can cut down drastically on the amount of people that make fun of people with

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