In current time there is many issues that are affecting the world as a whole. Abortion has been an extreme issue for a long time. Abortion is also a controversial topic due to the fact that their is two sides against or for it. Abortion is a heartless and awful process to go through. The process of abortion is mostly practiced by young teenagers. Teenagers are in the process of waking up sexually and they do not realize the consequences of sex. They aren't mature enough to think the consequences correctly and just go with the show. After they realize that they are pregnant they want to find a way out the situation. While they are in the situation they're not able to think right because they are scared of the situation. They believe that the …show more content…
It can affect them mentally because as they grow older they will always have in their consciences that they killed a baby and when they are older they regret it. Abortion can also have a long term effect on the womens body. Sometimes after practicing abortion the women can no longer be able to reproduce and as they grow older they feel empty because they aren't able to have babies. Abortion can also affect the women's imagine because as soon as they get pregnant if they are a single mother or aborts the baby they are judged. Society only sees the outside picture and likes to judge the people in it and they do not realize what the person goes through before judging them. Abortion is viewed as a crime due to the fact that a humans life is being taken away. They aren't charged with a crime because it is their body but since its their body they are able to make the decisions and should be punished for the bad decisions taken. In this life the bad decision committed are sometimes paid by jail, fine, or even karma itself. Abortion should not even come up to anyone's mind because it is taking away a baby's life. It affects me because I believe that abortion is a process that no one should ever go …show more content…
People trying to go through abortion should receive some severe consequences because they usually do not. My proposal for this issue affecting the human population is that the parents of the child getting killed should also be killed. The mother is the one carrying the baby in her stomach and she is the main person that has the most authority to make the decision. I believe that the best way to torture someone is by killing them slowly so they feel the pain. When practicing an abortion the baby inside is basically getting torn into pieces, so I believe the same should happen to the mother since she decided to do that to her child. After the mother has been done with the abortion, she will get her legs chopped off. Then for a week she will have to live without legs and will have to adjust to the life without legs and she will suffer because not being able to walk sucks. Then as the week goes by she will realize that what she did was wrong but it will now be too late to go back on the decisions she made. After that week is done then she will get her hands chopped off. She will no longer have feet nor arms and a life with no hands or feet is not a life because she will not be able to do anything. She will just have a week left for her to enjoy the life she has before she gets killed. After the week is over then she will be thrown into a fire place where she will be burned to death after the torture she went
Some things are hard to achieve and sometimes they are somewhat wrong, which takes time to get to the main point. In past decades there have been many controversial issues on equal rights and freedoms etc. Abortion rights are one of the issue that has been around since 1800’s. It came to public’s eye after many deaths among women occurred caused by complication and illegal abortion. Decline in birth rates in late 1800’s was also the reason to ban abortion. By the end of 19th century in 1967 abortion was illegal in all U.S. States. It was considered a crime. Still many people were and are against abortion because thinking that abortion is taking away life of baby and is equal to committing murder. Some people are with abortion because
When talking about abortion, there are so many things that come to mind, it is hard to stay focused on what the issue is really about, but in the end it really all boils down to some of the most basic rights we as individuals living in this country start with from birth. “…That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety” (SparkNotes: The Declaration of Independence (1776))The practice of abortion goes back to ancient times, and to this day,
Every woman believes in women rights, freedom of choice, and control over their own body but women are not able to determine if those rights include a second person. In our society including the women bashes people who believes in Abortions. In April 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court Case Planned Parenthood v. Casey threatened to strictly restrict women access to abortion. It than lead-up to a mass protest planned for Washington, D.C. that month. For years there has been a great debate if abortion should be legal or not. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. There are many reasons why women get abortions such as rape, their finical stability, the pregnancy was a mistake or birth control failure. resulting in an unwanted pregnancy, the women could be on drugs which could result in the baby being born with a birth defect. Lastly a woman continuing with the pregnancy could suffer from mental or psychical problems that could endanger the women the women of the pregnancy. Society have many views on pregnancy. Many people are for it and many people are against it. Did you know that each year almost 1.2 million Americans women have abortions, in result each year there are many riots and protest because of the abortions? To many people abortion is murder but murder is not a moral principal that the people who are against abortion stand by. It’s hard to make a moral judgement about what one does especially if you do not have a moral standard you stand by. The best way to handle abortions in society is to allow every woman to be entitled to their own decision with their body when it comes their body, but everyone handles the topic abortion differently. Everyone have a different view on abortion and because of that there have been many violent acts.
Every culture and society does not allow or consider abortion as a rightful act, and abortion is a name of destroying human life. Now a days our society faces several types of issues Abortion is one of the complicated issue for both ways health and society that’s why abortion become a very controversial issue that’s become debatable in politics. In addition, these researches will describe the different issues of abortion, such as, legal laws on abortion, restriction of abortions, rate of abortion and consequences of the abortion.
This causes women to be depressed, and feel bad about themselves. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health found that "Young adult women who undergo... abortion may be at increased risk for subsequent depression." Women who chose to get an abortion are 154% more likely to commit suicide than those who have a full term pregnancy. In some cases women are drugged through food or drink, causing them to lose their child. One case of this in 2007 in Maryland went as so, the boyfriend spiked his girlfriends drink with cattle hormone because he read that that could induce abortion in women. Both her and the unborn child survived, but think of how scared you would be to ever date again after that. More drugs are coming out all the time that can cause a women to have an abortion, this production needs to come to an end. Getting an abortion can harm your mental state of
The greatest destruction of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me. Abortion is causing many damages in the humanity. Many circumstances are causing it, and the dangers of it are being more consequent and consistent. Think about the right of the child before taking his life. To stop it we need to find solutions. Abortion is badly affecting the American society. Why not giving the child the right to taste his life?
The modern world today is brought together by many different cultures, beliefs, thoughts, opinions and morals. Which makes life difficult at times and causes people to not get along when differences can not be set aside. There are many issues and topics that are the root of these problems, which may never be solved and more than likely will never be solved based on characteristics of cultures and beliefs. Abortion is a very diverse topic in today’s society for which there may never be a correct answer to live up to everyone’s morals, but both sides present persuasive facts and opinions to justify their beliefs.
Since 1973, a total of 57,496,011 abortions have been reported to the Centers of Disease Control and that number keeps rising. This does not include the self-induced abortions or the abortions your body causes, also known as miscarriage. There are so many different procedures throughout the years. In the early years, many women did not seek help from licensed medical assistance. They attempted removal of the fetus with a coat-hanger also piercing of the fetus with a knitting needle, crochet hook, hat pin, bobby pin or similar device inserted into the uterus through the cervix. Many women also used douching methods linked to miscarriage to abort the baby such as Clorox bleach or lye which could also cause chemical burns. In the 1960s women also used Coca-Cola to send their bodies into aborting the fetus. The Induction abortion takes approximately three to four days to complete. On the first day, the young woman is given an ultrasound to determine the age of her baby. Then, the abortionist with the help of an ultrasound to guide them. The patient will then receive a lethal dose of the heart medication Digoxin, a generic drug, is injected into the baby’s heart or into the amniotic fluid directly through the woman’s abdomen or vaginally, the Digoxin will give the baby a fatal heart attack. Although the reason for killing the baby first is to avoid a live birth. After the drug is injected, the woman’s cervix is inserted with Laminaria sticks or tent, a thin tampon-like
Abortion is the most controversial topic or ‘right’ being debated today. Millions of people are not alive today because they were terminated before they were born through the process of abortion. There are two sides of the abortion debate: pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life is against abortion while pro-choice is for women having the choice as to what they want to do with their bodies. There are also many people in the middle of the argument that are okay with abortion but only under certain circumstances. Bills over abortion are constantly on the voting ballet, and they will continue to be on them until an overall consensus is established. Abortion topics are so heavily discussed and debated due to the fact that they effect so many
We live in the world, in which every person has his/her opinion towards a topic. People debate deeply on topics such as abortion, gun control/safety, and marriage equality. It is not possible to make all people agree on topics such as those. There are many religions and cultures that people come from; everyone values their own beliefs. The conflict between two sides of abortion has occurred ever since 1960s and early 1970s due to Roe v. Wade case. “In Roe v. Wade (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that abortion bans were unconstitutional in every state, legalizing abortion throughout the United States (Head).” This case was about Roe, who was a single pregnant woman who fought Texas criminal abortion laws. Due to her case, majority voted and made abortion lawful; however many people do not agree on this decision and that is why the debate on abortion is still happening today. Both sides of debate exaggerate and do not want to understand their opponent’s point of view of the topic. They are all blinded in their own “truth”, and do not want to hear anything else.
Abortion has taken the lives of more than 50 million babies since 1973 (“About Abortion”). The issue of abortion is one of the most common controversial issues in American politics and culture. In modern society, many women that have an unintended pregnancy and they result to abortion without researching other options. Abortion is not a substitute for birth control and this issue should be taken seriously. The individual woman needs to understand that by agreeing to have an abortion she is agreeing to kill an innocent fetus. Abortion rips the unborn child from his or hers right to life. Society needs to let women see through the eyes of the fetus and find alternative ways to raise the baby. Abortion should be
Abortion has always been a controversial topic in the United States for decades. Abortion is like taking the life of someone without their permission so it is technically “murder”. There is no such thing as an unwanted child, millions of families in the United States are always willing to adopt. On the other hand, there are circumstances where a woman can barely care and sustain herself so chances are that she will not be able to take care of her child. Or when a rape occurs, having an abortion is not as bad as when a woman has sex without protection and knows she has the chance to get pregnant.
Today, 76 percent of the world's people live in countries where induced abortion is legal, at least for health reasons, and 39 percent reside in nations where abortion is available upon request. The procedure is legal in nearly every developed country, and although a majority of developing countries prohibit abortion, 67 percent of the residents of the developing world live in countries where it is permitted at least for health reasons. The other 33 percent-more than one billion people, most of living in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the more strongly fundamentalist Islamic nations-have little of no access to legal induced abortion.
Abortion is very harmful to women both physically and emotionally, it can easily to cause infection or hemorrhaging, and may also cause infertility, or lifelong regret.
Abortion is a controversial issue in many countries all the time and there are always two sides of abortion. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is immoral, so they argue that it should be illegal because an unborn baby is life. However, they do not figure out that woman who is on the inevitable situation such as infection, rape, or extreme poverty would still have the abortion even though the abortion is illegal. Many women die due to unsafe abortion, which is illegal and performed by uneducated people. Therefore, the abortion should be legal to protect the life of ‘alive women’ because women’s life is equal to human’s right. I would like to provide more affirmative bases to support abortion in this paper.