
Abortion Affecting The World

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In current time there is many issues that are affecting the world as a whole. Abortion has been an extreme issue for a long time. Abortion is also a controversial topic due to the fact that their is two sides against or for it. Abortion is a heartless and awful process to go through. The process of abortion is mostly practiced by young teenagers. Teenagers are in the process of waking up sexually and they do not realize the consequences of sex. They aren't mature enough to think the consequences correctly and just go with the show. After they realize that they are pregnant they want to find a way out the situation. While they are in the situation they're not able to think right because they are scared of the situation. They believe that the …show more content…

It can affect them mentally because as they grow older they will always have in their consciences that they killed a baby and when they are older they regret it. Abortion can also have a long term effect on the womens body. Sometimes after practicing abortion the women can no longer be able to reproduce and as they grow older they feel empty because they aren't able to have babies. Abortion can also affect the women's imagine because as soon as they get pregnant if they are a single mother or aborts the baby they are judged. Society only sees the outside picture and likes to judge the people in it and they do not realize what the person goes through before judging them. Abortion is viewed as a crime due to the fact that a humans life is being taken away. They aren't charged with a crime because it is their body but since its their body they are able to make the decisions and should be punished for the bad decisions taken. In this life the bad decision committed are sometimes paid by jail, fine, or even karma itself. Abortion should not even come up to anyone's mind because it is taking away a baby's life. It affects me because I believe that abortion is a process that no one should ever go …show more content…

People trying to go through abortion should receive some severe consequences because they usually do not. My proposal for this issue affecting the human population is that the parents of the child getting killed should also be killed. The mother is the one carrying the baby in her stomach and she is the main person that has the most authority to make the decision. I believe that the best way to torture someone is by killing them slowly so they feel the pain. When practicing an abortion the baby inside is basically getting torn into pieces, so I believe the same should happen to the mother since she decided to do that to her child. After the mother has been done with the abortion, she will get her legs chopped off. Then for a week she will have to live without legs and will have to adjust to the life without legs and she will suffer because not being able to walk sucks. Then as the week goes by she will realize that what she did was wrong but it will now be too late to go back on the decisions she made. After that week is done then she will get her hands chopped off. She will no longer have feet nor arms and a life with no hands or feet is not a life because she will not be able to do anything. She will just have a week left for her to enjoy the life she has before she gets killed. After the week is over then she will be thrown into a fire place where she will be burned to death after the torture she went

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