
Abortion And Abortion

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Even though religion has been used to make abortion an issue of morality, which fundamentally it is, we have to keep in mind how central the topic of abortion has been to the political atmosphere throughout the United States and more so, in Capitol Hill. The Republican’s counterpart, Democrats have accepted importance abortion has across party lines, as highlighted by Politico : “the politics of abortion are already vexing vulnerable senators from both parties on the 2018 ballot” (Schor 2017). More over, Democrats distinguish themselves from Republicans as they presume that women have the ability to legally chose what they do and do not do with their bodies since “choice is a fundamental, constitutional right,”(Democratic Party on …show more content…

Common misconceptions about Planned Parenthood facilities usually include how they only offer abortions or all the funding goes towards promoting abortion as the only accessible. (Global Citizen) Past Republican presidential nominees ranging from Newt Gingrich to Mitt Romney “have all signed the Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge: “If elected President, I will . . . defund Planned Parenthood.” since, according to these leaders it is “a sham,” all of which exemplifies their close-mindedness and lack of knowledge about these clinics do. (Lepore 2017) In reality, Planned Parenthood delivers services that help women get “tested for S.T.Is and U.T.Is… prescribe[d] birth control pills and antibiotics” as well as teach them to “ how to check their breasts for lumps” and perform “pap smears.” (Lepore 2017) In it of itself, Planned Parenthood set out to create an environment where any women can comfortably and confidently walk into the location, without having to deal with judgment from their primary caretaker. Yet, these clinics have transformed the symbol in the movement against government interference in women related issues or for more restrictions to limit their freedom. Abortion has represented the long standing feud between Democrats and Republicans ; Kelli Boyle, a contributor to Elite Daily, criticizes the

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