
Abortion Executive Branch

Decent Essays

The purpose of this American government research paper is to discuss the topic of abortion and how it relates to the three branches of the American government. This essay will research the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches. I will use research from sources to cover how this topic plays out in the government along with its effects on the American people. The US Federal Government has dealt with abortion by different facts between the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Legislative Branch. Abortion is a process that terminates pregnancy. The decisions that the government are trying to put in play are hard because everyone has different views on abortions. While, the Supreme Court’s, the laws, and the president all are trying to reduce abortion, it is like taking away from another life that is being created. Still, until this day they are still trying to have decisions on abortions. It remains a relevant topic on major news stations and as recently with attacks at a Planned Parenthood.
In the Executive Branch, the President doesn’t approve of abortions. President Obama is trying to …show more content…

In the case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey it was upheld for a woman’s right to legal abortion, but must have a 24 hour waiting period. Though legal abortion is still going on but it’s coming to have stricter boundaries. Parental involvement only one parent is to stay with child. In 1990, two cases which was Hodgson v. Minnesota as well as Ohio v. Akron center for Reproductive Health, determined that states requiring parental consent before a minor could have an abortion must allow for Judicial bypass. States governments can restrict abortion access after the first trimester with laws intended to protect the woman’s health. Abortions after fetal viability must be available if the woman’s health or life are at risk, state governments can prohibit other

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