
Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Essay

Decent Essays

In the novel “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian” the main character, Junior never really describes his parents, even though they play an important role in the novel. His parents are often involved in most scenes throughout the story and yet they have a considerable lack of description compared to other characters. Junior’s parents aren’t described as much as they are portrayed through pictures. The majority of the character building for his parents are conversations that they have with him and how they talk to each other.
In the beginning of the book, unlike most characters in stories they are described with only a few words. However it was a good choice to have a lack of description on his parents, despite their somewhat large role in the novel because it draws the attention even closer on to Junior, and a few other characters.
The lack of description of Junior’s parents is quite interesting. In the beginning of the book where everything is being set up and explained the first thing that is said about his parents is: “And it’s not like my mother and father …show more content…

The first chapter mentions them so their existence is made known but the only thing to tell about what they are like is that they are called poor instead of giving them actual character personality traits. All they are so far is
“poor”. On the page after he calls his parents poor he describes that his father is a drunk and that his mother used to be a bad drunk. He doesn’t call them that to insult them or put them down, but to show that alcohol took away their dreams and turned them into the Indians that are stuck there on the rez instead of doing something with their lives.

Another way that Junior’s parents’ characters are developed is through pictures. One of the most important pictures in the book is on page 24. The picture is a drawing of

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