
Abstract . The Current Paper Presents A Critical Analysis

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Abstract The current paper presents a critical analysis of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), as it will be utilized by practitioners of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, based on the scholarly reviews from the Mental Measurements Yearbook. A description of the standardization sample and presentation of validity and reliability evidence of the HPI and the applications of HPI is included. The pros and cons of using the HPI as a practitioner of I-O Psychology are explored. The quality of the test is examined and is discussed as being a good tool for organizations seeking to reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion, and training and to reduce turnover. Introduction As a practitioner of Industrial …show more content…

Other valuable uses include vetting of new partners, diagnosing sources of conflict, matching personality to particular tasks or initiatives while also taking the guesswork out of the hiring process (Neville, 2013). Current thinking in personality assessments converges on the idea that most personality characteristics reflect the five broad characteristics of the Five Factor Model – extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness (The Science of Personality, 2015). Personality tests are typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other tests, can be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods to large groups easily, cost effectively and do not necessarily require skilled administrators (SIOP). In 2012 thirty-five percent of Human Resources around the world reported that they use “personality inventories” (Gray, 2015). Hogan Personality Inventory The standardized test I have chosen to analyze is The Hogan Personality Inventory. I was unfamiliar with this test but found that it is commonly used in organizational settings and I am likely to encounter it in the field. According to Axford, S. (MMY, 1998) the test manual includes an accurate test description and clearly indicates its purpose and a design that is practical for use within the organization. LoBello (MMY, 1998) describes the manual as user

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