
Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think

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People tend to focus on the flaws when it comes to humanity’s ability to provide goods and services. News stories on income inequality, lack of adequate healthcare services for hundreds of millions of people, the large number of people who go hungry every day, etc. often capture the attention of humanity better than any other type of story. Combine this with an increasing population, the doomsay predictions about global warming, and the recent economic recession, and it appears that solutions to many of the world’s current and future problems are out of reach. This, though, is not the viewpoint taken by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kolter in their book Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think. They acknowledge that the world have …show more content…

Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, 4) That with the previous three factors, the world can not only help better the lives of poor people, but in doing so, they create a new source of people who can identify, hypothesized and create solutions to their and the world’s problems, only increasing humanity’s ability to create abundance. These factors will allow more people than ever to have their needs met on the abundance pyramid, a construct of the two authors inspired by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, whose foundation is water, food, and shelter, whose next level is energy, education, and ICT (information and communications technology), and whose final level consists of freedom and health. While they make the general prediction about things getting better for mankind, they tend to avoid making specific and concrete predictions themselves about what solutions people will come up with. In Most of the book is consists of a large number of examples of solutions created or in development to help people move up the abundance pyramid and show the importance of the four tenets in mankind’s progress to abundance. Two authors do well in showing that predicting doom and gloom for humanity forces one to ignore the growth in the standard of

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