
Accounting And Reporting On Sustainability

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Accounting and Reporting on Sustainability Business sustainability has been concerned with the ensuring that organizations can implement various strategies that would contribute to the long term success of the business. Organizations that could act in a sustainable manner do not only create businesses that will live and survive for a long period of time, it will also maintain the well-being of the people and the planet as well. Leading companies are pretty much aware that their successful performance regarding sustainability is one of the key factors in their success. Investors are also interested to companies that promote sustainability with a focus on long term profitability as well as competitive advantage. Procter and Gamble Corporation was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati. The corporation was founded by William Procter, who was a candle maker along with his brother-in-law Gamble, who was a soap maker. Their combined venture sparked one of the most powerful and influential companies in America which is later called Proctor and Gamble. Their first product was introduced in 1879. It was an ivory Soap. In the Year 2013, they have a net income of 11.31 billion U.S. dollars, total assets of 139.26 billion U.S. dollars, and a total equity of 68.06 billion U.S. dollars. The company’s products are divided into groups: beauty and grooming, and household care. The company has a target market of the customers from the middle up class. They also target women and children as

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