
Essay on Accounting Decision Analysis Report

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Case Study Report
Accounting (Decision Analysis) 308


Lecture: Adrian Melia
Tutor: Rajni Mala
Tutorial Time: 9am-11am (Wednesday class)

DUE DATE: 12/09/08

table of Content

Executive Summary 3 Executive Summary 4
Introduction 5 Introduction 6
Common-size analysis 10 Balance sheet and common size analysis from2005-2008 11 Common-size analysis 23
Accounting Analysis 25
EVAL Ratio Analysis 35
Appendix: Financial Statements of BlueScope steel Ltd 41
References 68



BlueScope Steel is the leading steel company in Australia and New Zealand, supplying a large percentage of all flat steel products sold in these markets. The company's …show more content…

Lastly, company may showed the sign of losing trust of employees. According to worker union news, employees in blue scope requiring higher pay eventually go for a strike.

Opportunities: Sustainable development is a major issue been concerned by us. In Australia, water scarcity is one of the major issue. Bluescope Water was established in 2004 in anticipation of increased water scarcity by developed and released a range of products, rainwater tanks, to ease the pressure of water resources. These new brands will bring great economic and social benefits.China, Russian Economic and Middle East steel demands remain strong thus global steel prices keep high. These make good opportunity for Bluescope to earn profit at international market.

Australian Steel Institute, who submitted an application for funding “Steel Online Project” and was successful in securing a grant from the Australian Government’s Information Technology Online Program. This project will use lower-cost-internet-based technology to help wider steel industry share useful resource. ( Australian dollar is getting stronger in the past 2 years, and there is no sign to stop it in the nearly future. Strong Australian currency has significant impact on BlueScope's foreign currency denominated earning. The Australian dollar averaging 14 per cent higher than in fiscal 2007 wiped $82 million off profits.( Secondly, Costs what include raw material costs, labour

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