
Essay about Achieving Community Development Goals for AGH Group

Decent Essays

AKH Group has a history of being in business for the last 35 years and it is almost mandatory for such an established business to work for community development. Therefore, as a consultant I would like to suggest the following road map for the purpose of achieving the goals of community development spend its resources constructively for skill development and Primary health.

Strategic options:
Community Development is a process strengthening the society in which an organisation operates with the aim of enhancing the mental and physical capacity of people to enable them to serve the society in a better way.
As it is mentioned in the case that AKH group is planning to shell out Rs. 10,000 crore for the purpose of skill development and …show more content…

At last, hygienic environment should be maintained to keep their employees free from any kind of ailments.
Cultural Aspects:

Culture is something which cannot be ignored while implementing any kind of strategies in any kind of organisation. This is because if any organisation ignores the cultural aspect of any given community then the chance for its survival reduces to minimum.
Therefore, before spending such huge sums on nation building a thorough study of the cultures and the sub-cultures relating to the particular community is an absolute necessity to ensure its successful implementation.
This is particularly because in case a skill development programme requires all the ladies to work for longer shifts in order to enhance their capabilities but in a particular culture women are not allowed to work after dark then in that case such a development programme cannot be implemented because such a policy is against the norms of that culture.
Therefore, any organisation should be most careful while studying the culture of a particular community because it is its most sensitive part particularly in a country like India.


Economic situation of a country and the organisation opting for such developmental programmes is of utmost importance.
First and the foremost aim of any business is its survival. Therefore,

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