
Achilles And Agamemnon In The Iliad

Decent Essays

In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, myths were an oral tradition of storytelling that served to answer two primary purposes. The first role was to create stories that responded to unanswerable questions such as “Why is there thunder?” and the second function of myths, about gods, goddesses, monsters, and heroes, was to give structure to their society and culture in psychological manifestations. In addition, the gods and prophecies served as a reminder to the characters that they don’t ultimately have any control over their lives. This epic poem by Homer is not just a simple story of an argument between Achilles and Agamemnon or the well-known story of the war but also has a psychological theme incorporating anger, especially Achilles’ as …show more content…

For example, as Achilles chases Hector around the walls of Troy in Book Twenty-two, Athena appears disguised as one of his companions and convinces him to stop running and to fight Achilles together. Hector falls for the trick and turns to fight Achilles before realizing his betrayal by the Gods and perishes from Achilles’ rage. Another example is in Book Eight when Zeus forbids the gods to take part in the day’s fighting, then the battle begins, and Zeus disregards his own command and supports the Trojans so that they are winning. Then, Diomedes restores the Greeks to a superior position. Zeus retaliates by helping the Trojans again. Hera, who always seems to try and mediate, is unsuccessful in her intervention and the Greeks start losing badly. Next, Teukros restores the Greeks to a higher position. Zeus becomes angered by this action, so he helps the Trojans begin to take the lead in the war. Then, Hera attempts to intervene again and is unsuccessful. Night arrives, and the Trojans are so happy with their victory. This almost ludicrous battle among the God’s represents the theme of anger as they experience strong emotions as well as the humans. Ultimately, the humans do not have control over their lives as the God’s quarrel over the sake of humans.
On another note, Homer did not just use the God’s as psychological manipulators of the plot, but

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