
Acting Chief Of Neurosurgery: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Finally, as to Blue Shield’s proposition: “If your doctor decides you require hospitalization post-procedure, the need for this hospitalization will be reviewed for medical necessity either at the time of your surgery or at a later date to determine if you met the criteria for admission”, my neurosurgeon totally rejects this suggestion based on his extensive professional experience as the Acting Chief of Neurosurgery at UC San Diego Health in conjunction with his detailed understanding of my significant co-morbidities and high surgical risks.

Moreover, for example, Dr. Khalessi in denying this proposition is fully aware that in the absence of a prior authorization for an overnight, inpatient stay, it is highly unlikely that the hospital will have pre-assigned and/or necessarily have readily available the scarce, highly-trained staff and specialized facilities necessary to deliver timely, urgent care to me should an overnight, post-procedure complication (e.g. a stroke) occur. Accordingly, a post-operative, emergency decision to hospitalize will not necessarily work, and Dr. Khalessi will not re-schedule my surgery until his request for a prior authorization of an overnight, inpatient stay for me is granted. …show more content…

The basis for this request includes the documentation in my medical record, credible references in the medical literature, common practice in certain renown medical clinics, and my experienced neurosurgeon’s detailed familiarity with my case. More specifically, this appeal is based

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