
Active Euthanasia Is Never Morally Justified

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Analysis on The Argument That Active Euthanasia is Never Morally Justified
Death has always been a controversial topic throughout the world. There are many theories as to where we go and what the meaning of life truly is. How one dies is important in today’s society, especially when it comes to the idea of suicide. Active euthanasia, also referred to as assisted suicide, is the intentional act of causing the death of a patient experiencing great suffering. It is illegal in some places, like France, but allowing patients to die is authorized by law in other places under certain conditions. Doug McManaman constructed an argument, “Active Euthanasia Is Never Morally Justified,” to defend his view that active euthanasia is never morally …show more content…

While these incidents may seem to correlate, McManaman provides limited support that is it true. He sprinkles an example of infanticide occurring, but lacks the support that these events actually lead to one another. He, once again, simply builds up to his next premise. McManaman accuses active euthanasia of never being justified because it always accounts to murder (p.3). “Never” and “always” are strong words to use, especially when limited support is given. In his warrant, he defines extraordinary treatment, or assisted suicide, as a serious burden, which leads to his next premise. He also attempts to use pathos to support his claim, however, he does this by accusing a young girl’s parents of murdering her because they chose to remove a tube that was keeping her in a persistent vegetative state (p.4). There is no sound evidence that the practice of active euthanasia is always murder, and using a story that shows the hard decision parents had to make counters his argument that active euthanasia is never justifiable. McManaman creates seemingly powerful premises, but always comes short when it comes to supporting them. Assumptions
While Mcmanaman’s warrants not only lack adequate support, but also contain a number of assumptions. He uses strong words to give his views, but his views are not always entirely sound. On page three, Mcmanaman asserts that active euthanasia is

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