
Actors in the Humanitarian Community

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It has always been said that the things that are unlikely to happen does actually happen during an emergency or in a crisis situation. If one accept that it is by fate a crisis happens and do not have any precautionary measures, then the crisis management is doomed to fail. This holds true when dealing with humanitarian aids after a disaster,whether man-made or of natural cause. It is then of utmost importance that all the actors in the humanitarian community knows their roles and get their acts together harmoniously. Figure 1 shows the link between these different actors and how they work together (GHA Report, 2011). Who are then these actors within the humanitarian community? Actors in the Humanitarian Community Government A government’s role within the humanitarian community can be classified into two categories. A country may take the role of a recipient or a donor (GHA, 2014). A government’s response is crucial particularly for a recipient government. Though it is important for individual citizen have their personal contingency plans, but majority of the problems that arise from a disaster are beyond the individual’s capability to solve. The government, along with its many branches such as the military and local government must fill in the void. the government should designate evacuation centers, rebuild destroyed houses and take care of the basic needs for the affected as soon as possible. The government must also act quickly to create a logistics roadmap in order

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