
Addiction : The American Society Of Addiction Medicine ( Asam )

Decent Essays

Addiction is a problem that is misunderstood by many people. One of the

reasons it is so misunderstood is because there is no real consensus as to what

addiction really is due to Satan’s lies as to the true nature of addiction. Many people

consider addiction a disease. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

states “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory

and related circuitry”. However, Psychology Today questions whether addiction is

a physical disease or a mental illness.

One might logically assume that an illness is a disease, whether it be physical or

mental in nature. In fact, to the average person, there would be little discernable

difference. If …show more content…

The definition of the disease would

determine who would best be able to cope with, or cure the disease, or if it could be

cured at all. For instance, according to the ASAM addiction is a chronic disease. The

definition of chronic is “marked by long duration or frequent recurrence”.

Therefore, one could conclude that addiction is not curable, but will recur over time.

The true definition would actually look at the root cause of any addiction. It

would make sense from a theological perspective that since sin is the root cause of

addiction, and sin can be cured, addiction, too, can be cured. The next step, of

course would be to test the hypothesis.

Ephesians 5:18 states “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled

with the Spirit”. This verse determines that alcoholism would be sin because it goes

against the teaching “be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess”. Paul tells the

church at Philippi in Philippians 4:5 “Let your moderation be known to all men…”

One could conclude that moderation in all things preclude any type of addiction

which would be the exact opposite of moderation. One could go on to conclude,

therefore that addiction is sin.

Sin is curable. In fact, not only curable but sin has been purged (Heb 1:3). Satan

does not desire people to recognize this fact. If Satan can convince everyone that
Moore – 3

addiction is an incurable disease the addict would

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