
Addictive Personality Analysis

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The article, “ Do Men with Excessive Alcohol Consumption and Social Stability Have an Addictive Personality?” offers some insights into the research surrounding the topic of alcoholic men, their personalities and their social behavior. Research has shown that men of different age group who drinks a lot of alcohol has the same additive personality like the general population. Both groups have no addictive personalities .
There are many other articles that summarizes the behavior under alcohol consumption. I have some family members that are happy when they drink I have some that are the opposite mean, some that get very emotional. In my opinion alcohol can effect an individual personality. In article “ Do Men with Excessive Alcohol Consumption …show more content…

The researchers are studying men who consume excessive amounts of alcohol to see if they have an addictive personality. The men in this study are also socially stable, which has an effect on the research findings. The researchers are trying to see if the men that consume excessive amounts of alcohol (and are socially stable) have a different personality of those who drink normal amounts of alcohol. The article states, “the main objective of the present study was to investigate personality traits in a group of male individuals with excessive alcohol consumption and in controls by comparison with normative data and also by a multivariate projection-based approach” (Berglund, Roman, Balldin, Berggren, Eriksson, Gustavsson, & Fahlke, …show more content…

The Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) comprises 135 items with a four-point response format grouped in 15 scales (Ramklint & Ekselius, 2003; Schalling et al., 1987). All individual raw data from the personality test KSP was transformed into normative T-scores (mean ± SD: 50 ± 10) (Gustavssonet al., 1997; Schalling et al., 1987). The Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used for pattern recognition and image compression.
Out of 100 individuals, 66 are found to be fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol-dependence and the remaining 34 the criteria for alcohol abuse. They found the excessive alcohol consumption was started 40 ± 10 years (n = 96) and continued for 9 ± 8 years (n = 95). The T-scores for male individuals and male controls are also given. The PCA score plot indicated that there are no between-group separation. Even though there was more outliers in the group of individuals with excessive alcohol consumption than in comparison to controls they are with 95% level of

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