
Addressing The Issues With Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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Addressing the Issues with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in South Africa

Damien D. Redmond
DRPH8120- Domestic and International Public Health Policy
Unit 2 Assignment 1
January 22, 2016


To: Ms. Smith, Director of Ryan White, Part C:
From: G.A. Carmichael Organization
Date: January 19, 2017
RE: AIDS Prevention & Treatment
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV as it is commonly known was first seen in the United States about thirty years ago before it generated the world 's attention. Since then thousands of American have lost their lives to AIDS and millions more have become infected. As a health organization, GA Carmichael has a growing population of patients infected with HIV. As the …show more content…

The people of the HIV/AIDS epidemic is crucial because HIV/AIDS affects the lives of all people involved with the ones who are affected. The disease takes a toll on a person not only physically, but emotionally and financially as well. The disease has no perspective person, it affects all ages, sex, and color. "The depressive actuality is that every day roughly forty children life is cut short due to AIDS and they die before the age of five. Numerous children in Africa become parent-less when their mother or father die of AIDS or AIDS affiliated contagion" (UNAIDS, 2006c, p. 15). The problem of HIV/AIDS affects children. Children are psychologically traumatized because they are watching their loved ones die before they eyes. "Report reveals that parent-less children have increased levels of emotion and depression compared to other children" (AIDS Orphans, n.d.). The HIV/AIDS virus affects people of all ages, races, sex, educational, and soci0-economical levels. The virus may affect some more than others because of lack of resources and education. Many people do not have the resources to treat the disease. The World Bank 's 1997 written report Confronting AIDS explained that "distributed wealth and nonequivalent distribution of financial gain can impact the spread of HIV". Many people in South Africa are so poor that they lack not only money but assets and skill. They also lack some of the necessities to live a viable life. So, they

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