
Adhd A Legitimate Defense Essay

Decent Essays

I do not believe that a diagnosis of ADHD is a legitimate defense for criminal activity. However, I think it is important for law enforcement and judges to understand ADHD and consider the disorder when deciding on a punishment. In this paper I explain why I believe ADHD is not a legitimate defense, examine real-life criminal cases, and explain when I think ADHD is a valid reason for a lighter criminal sentence.

There are several reasons why a diagnosis of ADHD should not be used as a legitimate defense against criminal charges. To begin, individuals with far more serious psychiatric disorders who have committed crimes have been found to be responsible for their actions and have been convicted of the crimes they committed. For example, Jeffrey …show more content…

This finding makes me wonder if the majority of criminals who try to plead guilty with the defense of ADHD are actually experiencing a more severe disorder such as antisocial personality disorder. Perhaps these individuals were diagnosed with ADHD at an early age, but as they developed, ADHD morphed into a different disorder which they have not been diagnosed with. In this case, ADHD should not be considered a legitimate defense because it is an incorrect diagnosis, and does not accurately account for what may be part of the reason behind the criminal’s …show more content…

Although ADHD is a serious mental disorder, not enough is known about the disorder, and it may be too easy to fabricate. If all criminals who claimed they had ADHD and used that as a defense were set free, it would only encourage others who committed crimes to claim ADHD as a defense even if they didn’t have it. Not only could this lead to many criminals being acquitted and going on the commit further crimes, it may create stigma surrounding individuals with ADHD that they are prone to criminal activity or that they are

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