
Adnan Dyed: A Brief Summary And Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever Wanted to see how a real crime is solved and How detective’s find a answer to their doubts? well this is a story of Adnan Syed and how he was found guilty for his ex-girlfriend's murder but yet the story turns as thing procced. My first reason to help prove my claim is “some say Hae Min Lee was choked to death but there was no sign of marking” -koeing hae’s body was found they say she was choked but yet there was no physical evidence like documents or doctor records or anything from an autopsy . There was no fingerprint evidence or pictures of bruising or any evidence showing the incident. My second reason states how koeing says the innocent people are the most least helpful people when it comes to gathering evidence. So in this part koeing asks adnan about stuff and on some questions she’s basically blaming on adnan but he doesn’t seem to get jumpy at all instead he responds calmly response it was always “I think” or “maybe” and “probably”. Koeing would ask adnan if he had any contact with Hae and he said “well i don’t think we had much contact because i called her three times but she would only answer the last call” He was basically stating that they did have contact but it wasn’t even a full conversation the key word was well because he was not sure and he never really was …show more content…

But he still went back and I don’t understand why he would’ve wanted to go back to the place where jay said he killed

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