
Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Essay

Decent Essays

As Franklin D. Roosevelt was the right man at the right time for US politics, so to was Adolf Hitler for the German state. Hitler floundered in life prior to joining the Germany army during WWI. There he proved his mettle by earning several distinguished awards for bravery and service to the German war effort. It was through the loud and boisterous ‘Beer Hall’ meetings that Hitler found his voice and joined the Nazis Party. His ability to speak clearly and with authority allowed him to rise in stature within the political party. His use of propaganda played on the fears of the German people. They were stimulated mesmerized if you will by his message. Chamberlain College of Nursing’s (CCN) online lesson illustrates that, at a time when the world was suffering through a global depression Hitler realized that the German peasants feared being stuck in everlasting poverty and the elites feared the loss of the means of production through communism (CCN, 2016).
The German people were not satisfied with established democratic policies and Hitler understood that in order to gain their trust and to take control of all the …show more content…

Therefore, according to Hitler they were impeding the economic opportunities of true German people. The online lesson from CCN explains that, Hitler took his anti-Semitism and anti-communistic movements to the forefront of his economic expansionisms (CCN, 2016).Many describe Hitler as monster and he most certainly was. However, if you look at his accomplishments maybe he should be described as an evil genius. In 1887, Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton may have prophesized what the world was going to have to endure with the rise of Adolf Hitler when he wrote, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men"

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