
Advanced Home Care 's Customer Care Center

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CULTURE…A JOURNEY TO DIFFERENT: Advanced Home Care’s Customer Care Center The journey to create a new culture in the Customer Care Center at Advanced Home Care stemmed from two pieces of information that in the end required a needs assessment to be completed. The turnover rate in the department was more than 40% and the number of patient event/concern forms for employees in the department was extraordinarily excessive. The decision to conduct a needs assessment was made because the purpose of a needs assessment is to “determine the difference between current and desired states” (Click4ut unitar learning and training wiki. (n.d.). Needs Assessment). It was the hope that in doing a needs assessment there would be data that helped to …show more content…

Data was gathered through anonymous surveys, one on one interviews with staff, as well as observation of team interaction in the team area. The anonymous surveys that included both Likert scale questions and open ended questions were administered through Survey Monkey. One on one interviews were conducted by the director of the department with the whole CCC team. Every interview covered the exact same questions. Formal observations using a formal observation sheet/record were conducted by the CCC leadership team. There was also a review of patient event/concern forms to consider trends in lack of education or accountability or process clarity. The CCC leadership also conducted blind call listening/monitoring to get a view of how calls were sounding as it relates to how callers perceive the staff (organization). After the needs assessment was complete, the CCC leadership was gathered to discuss the findings. The findings revealed a team who perceived a lack of leadership support not only internal (from the CCC leaders) but externally (from other leaders), it showed the need for a complete change of environment as the team atmosphere was toxic with mediocrity and apathy, the team felt helpless and hopeless, and the interaction between departments was strained at best. The needs assessment fueled the writing of program goals, learning objectives, and informed what and how to evaluate. How the Needs Assessment Informs the Evaluation Evaluation is the

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