
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Myopia

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Vision is one of the most valuable sensory modalities. It is also the source of an impressive display of research questions relating to how we see, how and why vision fails, and what can be done about it.
It is customarily stated that we are now living in the century of technology, and all surrounded things are computers, TV, cell phones and other devices.
The development of electronic machinery increased the number of people who have eye problems. Ophthalmologists, the doctors who treat eye disorders, are taking patients every day, and saying that the number of sick people, especially teenagers, noticeably increased. Such number is registered in China and other East Asian countries.
East Asia has been seized by an extraordinary rise in myopia. Sixty years ago, 10–20% of …show more content…

People have to deal with glasses, contact lenses and even laser eye surgery. Nevertheless, researchers say there are serious consequences of such high rates of myopia among young people.
"They grow older and the epidemic is then in older adults," said Saw, head of the myopia unit at the Singapore Eye Research Institute. ()
As people age, they can become at higher risk for severe eye disorders such as high myopia, glaucoma (optic nerve damage), cataracts (clouding of the lens) and retinal detachment. These conditions could bring to vision loss and blindness.
Is there a way to prevent a child from becoming nearsighted? Yes. The key is to catch the problem once the child experiences the very first indication of any difficulty seeing distant objects like the writing on the board at school. Frequently, eye doctors will prescribe eyeglasses to treat your vision making it less blurred. Unfortunately, while you will wear it, your nearsightedness will be becoming worse and irreversible, because the focusing muscles will atrophy (stay locked up). Then charging you to get stronger distant glasses as time goes by. Distance glasses are a false friend. It is not

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