
Advantages And Disadvantage Of Metrobus

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MetroBus or Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) is an advancement in Pakistan’s infrastructure after almost a decade, boosting economy and first advancement that is for the benefit of the lower income level class. The ability of a population to move with ease, predictability and appropriate speed to a great extent determines the speed and quality of economic development. Lack of mobility of the population adds to the woes of a badly-governed country. Lahore, the second largest city of Pakistan with an estimated population of nearly 10 million people, a city facing congestion, pollution, large amounts of traffic every day, this was the solution, the MetroBus project was first initiated in Lahore. The second implementation of this project …show more content…

All his work is filled with high drama. He thinks up grand projects, and executes them at lightning speeds. By the time the opponents grasp the idea of his latest endeavor and start protesting, the project is up and running. The Lahore Metrobus has been no exception.
Reactions to the Rs30 billion project, like any big number, have been opposed. Opponents have called it an extravagant political stunt, a mark on Lahore’s beauty and insensitive to the city’s history and heritage. Opponents claim it has divided the city between the haves and have-nots and done little to relieve traffic congestion, which was the promise along with cheap transportation.
The Metrobus has also been termed an unjust expenditure, with the 27-km line costing more than allocation to any other sector (including education, health, water) under the Punjab Annual Development …show more content…

44 Billion, is a catalyst for construction.
• Attract tourism: The Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project, has allowed the tourists both national and international, travel safely and enjoy the beauty of Islamabad.
• Reduce crime: The Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project will help reducing crimes, as the safety of the bus service will help this tremendously.
• Improve pedestrian safety: Chances of traffic accidents are very slim for the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project.
• Improve the environment: Increased awareness of the importance of environmental issues demand a green project, which has been the case with Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project, with more cars/motorcycles of the road, less gas emissions.
Even though many such benefits exist for this project many still disagree with it, they believe that certain things are being lost in the process to bring about this project, and others still believe that there are cheaper alternative

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