
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Agency Problem

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Agency Problem Introduction There are many organizations no matter it is profit organization or non-profit organizations. As we all know, there must be an organization chart in every single organization in order to run the system and achieve the objectives with a group of people. When a principal or head of the organization hires an agent to carry out specific work or task, the act of hiring is termed as “Principle-agent relationship”, or we also can called it as “agency relationship”. When a conflict of interest between the needs of the principal and those of the agent arises, the conflict is called an “agency problem”. In financial markets, agency problems occur between the stockholders (principal) and corporate managers (agents). While the stockholders call on the managers to take care of the company, the …show more content…

The agency problems arise due to an issue with incentives. Distributions of incentives are one of the factors that lead to agency problem. An agent may be motivated to act in a manner that is not favourable for the principal if the agent is presented with an incentive to act in this way. For example, in the plumbing example earlier, the plumber may make three times as much as the money by recommending a service the agent does not need. An incentive three times the pay is present, and this causes the agency problem to arise. One of the parties will feel un-balanced due to the distribution of incentives, disagreement occur. Even though agency problem occur in organization frequently, but there is a way to reduce and eliminate the agency problem. The agency problem may be minimized by altering the structure of compensation. If the agent is paid not on an hourly basis but by completion of a project, there is less incentive to not act on the principal’s behalf. In addition, performance feedback and independent evaluations hold the agent accountable for their

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