
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Chick-Fil A

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When I was a child, the first thing that came to mind when asked about fast food was surly McDonalds. McDonalds was a place that every child loved to eat at just to enjoy a happy meal! There was nothing more delicious then a juicy cheeseburger and crispy French fries! At that time Chick-Fil-A would have been considered one of the underdogs for the fast food community. The problem was that Chick-Fil-A was trying to sell strictly chicken to an entire nation that loved and worshiped beef as we knew it. Therefore, McDonald’s and other fast food burger companies were at a higher success rate then Chick-Fil-A. Another disadvantage that Chick-Fil-A has is that the franchise is closed on Sundays, this means giving up an ample amount of profit for a belief that Sunday’s should be spent with family and a day off for worship. So, how do you even begin to create an image when the probability is stacked against you? In, Chick-Fil-A’s case, the company introduced the first advertising campaign featuring Holstein cows with the message "Eat Mor Chikin” in 1995. (Chick-Fil-A, 2017) Chick-Fil-A needed to find a way to campaign their brand within the small amount of earnings that they owned. This is when the company decided to reach out to The Richards Group. The Richards Group is a branding agency that advised Chick-Fil-A and also came up with the concept to use renegade cows to attract customers in. Unfortunately, the agency had to result in via billboard ads because that is all the

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