
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working Women

Satisfactory Essays

There are fundamental problem with Pakistanis and their approach to marriage, other people etc. People are eager to judge and the word ‘woman’ is repeated a lot instead of husband/man. Thus shows a prejudice against women, working women. What’s really chocking is people generalize still when they know absolutely nothing about other peoples divorces. Whether you work or you are a homewife, Islam must come first and you should know your rights. If you experience zulm/injustice/abuse etc then you must evaluate whether this is sustainable. Should your kids grow up in a household where the mother is mistreated and scientific studies how such children WI suffer lifetime of trauma even accrpting such abuse as normal thus creating a dysfunctionality in itself whereas children’s of divorced households are happier. Of course it depends how divorce is handled and how bad things are. The stigmas with divorce only works to benefit the man and keeps women oppressed. To thinkk most would prefer to die at their hands of their husbands because they think the label of divorcee is worse. Majority of Pakistani women arrbbit even literate let alone working or financially strong. So I also understand that side of things which makes it difficult to walk a way. Financial independence has made some women stronger and what’s wrong with that? Does that means working women prefer divorce? No. So lets not make the working women the scapegoats otherwise this is just another type of oppression. The

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