
Advantages Of Organic Food

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Why is it that organic foods are more costly than conventional foods, financially or health-wise? Consumers should not be charged a higher price for organically grown foods in order to eat healthier. Choosing to eat foods whether organic or conventional should be equal in cost to the consumer. I won’t go in the direction of the whole paleo caveman thing but when you think about early man or our ancestors consuming foods in its pure, natural, organic state without concern of ingesting potentially harmful chemicals’ or excessive costs, don’t you wonder where things went awry? Prior to the Twentieth Century all food was organic. “Organic” in terms of food, simply means that the product or its ingredients were produced without routine inputs of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, chemical preservatives or irradiated (radiation exposure) (5). Then along came the discovery and invention of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in 1920’s forever changing the costs, development and …show more content…

Read the labels and research their source. Consumers may be aware there is a choice between organic foods and conventional foods but they may not realize exactly what this entails. For instance, facts such as the government having an established limit for safe amount of pesticides and allowed residues used in foods growth process or the USDA’s food safety warning that organic foods' lack of preservatives may make them vulnerable to bacteria and parasites. The question of whether organic foods are healthier for you than conventional foods is yet to be determined as there have not yet been sufficient scientific studies to prove this one way or another. In determining the healthier alternative common sense should come into play. Organic foods are relatively free of herbicides and pesticides which are dangerous to human health, whereas conventional foods are not. Therefore wouldn’t it be logical to avoid these

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