
Advantages Of Raspberry Pi 3

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• The Raspberry Pi 3 is the third generation Raspberry Pi. It replaced the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B in February 2016.
• We recommend the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for use in schools, or for any general use. Those wishing to embed their Pi in a project may prefer the Pi zero or model A+, which are more useful for embedded projects, and projects which require very low power.
• The Raspberry Pi 2 and the Raspberry Pi 3 have 1 GB of RAM
• The Raspberry Pi 3 is equipped with 2.4 GHz WI-Fi 802.11n (150 Mbit/s) and Bluetooth 4.1 (24 Mbit/s) in addition to the 10/100 Ethernet port.
• Although the Raspberry Pi 3 does not have H.265 decoding hardware, the CPU, more powerful than its predecessors, is potentially able to decode H.265-encoded …show more content…

Ultrasonic sensors detect over long ranges up to forty feet, while limit switches and inductive sensors do not.

Broad area detection: While some photo electric sensors can detect over long distances they lack the ability to detect over a wide area without using a large number of sensors. The advantage of Migatron's ultrasonic sensors is that both wide and narrow areas can be covered. All it takes is the proper ultrasonic transducer selection. Widest range of target materials:Only ultrasonic sensors are impervious to target material composition. The target material can be clear, solid, liquid, porous, soft, wood and any color because all can be detected.

Non contact distance measuring: Because sound can be timed from when it leaves the transducer to when it returns, distance measuring is easy and accurate to .05% of range which equates to +or- .002 of an inch at a distance of 4 inches.
It is Migatron's continuing goal to provide ultrasonic sensors in industrially hardened packages that are electrically and electronically compatible with standard controls used in today's industrial marketplace.

Advantages of ultrasonic

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