
Advertisement as a Social Phenomenon

Satisfactory Essays

Advertising is an important social phenomenon. Consumers are constantly confronted with advertisements in our daily lives. Seeing as how advertising is such a large chunk of our daily lives, it can be assumed that it will have an affect on not only us as individuals but our society as a whole. My question is “Are the affects doing more harmful than helpful?” As you yourself are a part of the body of consumers, you should take an interest in this. Think about this for a second, have you ever watched a television commercial and immediately compared yourself to what you saw on the screen? Do you feel lesser because you don't have what is being promoted? Do you feel bad about your features or about who you are in comparison to the person you saw on the screen? In one day a person may see more than a thousand ads. They could be on television, in a magazine or plastered on a billboard. All the while, people don't truly understand the effect these ads have on our society. Advertisers tend to toy with our fears, desires, egos, self-worth, love and sexuality. Advertisers place new ideas into our heads, creating and intensifying the stereotypes of our lives. For example, a condom company recently used a model painted up like a Jaguar with her arm covering her breasts standing in what appears to be a jungle to promote their newest product. The jingle to that ads reads "Release your inner beast". This ad is in the November 2006 edition of Cosmopolitan magazine. The company is an

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