
Advertising : An Analysis Of Vintage Advertising

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Intro: Vintage Advertisements are interesting because it allows us to look in the past and see the way people lived and products were used. The two ads I chose are from the 1930’s and 1950’s. They are interesting because you get to see how much fashion has changed and standards have changed since the 1900’s, in reference to women’s weight and how they dressed. In a 1959 ad, it shows a woman in a bra and corset. The ad suggests that women should look thin. In a 1935 ad that also refers to women’s shape with a picture of a woman and the slogan “ Dangerous curves ahead.” Both ads depict women as objects and that their identity is tied to their bodies. The 1935 ad presents a persuasive argument because women followed fashion trends that dictated women's body shape. Women are judged by appearances and what they look.
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“Show off your new slimness” Published in 1959. The main argument of this ad is that buying this corset should give you magic slimming power in the areas you need it most. The visual elements in this ad would grab any woman's attention who’s looking for that perfect hourglass figure. Warner’s did a very good job at catching the attention of his consumers. They display an alluring woman, she’s standing in a crisp, white room with her bra and the corset on. The picture is printed in black and white and looks very elegant. I believe Warner’s company was trying to draw in women and even men who want to look this way or want their women to look a certain way. The lady in the ad looks very elegant and obviously has the perfect hourglass figure women back in the 1950’s were trying to obtain. “ You’ll start looking and feeling a whole size smaller in this lightweight wonder as soon as you try it on.” This is just one of the ways Warner’s persuaded to draw women into buying their corsets. They also promote that their product has “ concentrating slimness power in the two places you need it most.” Warner’s ad design had an effective impact on the message of the ad because they know women back then were big into following the hottest fashion trends, so when corset’s and that “perfect figure” came into play that women would go out and buy one. They also lure women in by the things

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