
Advocates For Higher Learning : Professional Organizations

Decent Essays

Advocates for Higher Learning: Professional Organizations
Every school needs an advocate for higher learning. One could say that teachers are the primary campaigners for improvement within the education system. However, without a close knit group of people working to advance education, not much will be changed. That is why professional organizations are so important. They provide educators with outlets they need to be successful. There are many different organizations which teachers may choose to be a part of that can be extremely generalized such as the National Education Association (NEA) or they can have a more narrow focus such as in Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) case, the children themselves.
The need for NEA became …show more content…

The more aware people are of the necessity of better education, the better the education system will become. When teachers become involved with NEA, they have the opportunity to partake in an organization that supports them, gives them inspiration, and tools to be successful. The website also provides current events that relate to education and provides them with information they need to stay up-to-date within the community. (National Education Association, NEA 's Vision, Mission, and Values, 2015).
An important factor for all teachers to know about when pursuing a career in education is whether they will be protected in dire situations in which legal action is taken. NEA stands up for teachers and “provides all eligible association members with professional liability insurance through the NEA Educators Employment Liability (EEL) Program” (National Education Association, Educators Employment Liability Program, 2015). Schools cannot always afford to offer teachers insurance to protect them or cover all of the costs that potential damages or lawsuits that may come up over time. The insurance covers many different areas such as: student injuries and malpractice lawsuits. This program offers protection in all areas, at all times, and in all places as long as it pertains to an educational employment activity. This is one of the biggest reasons that joining this professional organization is so important (National Education Association, Educators Employment Liability Program,

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