
Affiliate Marketing Case Study

Better Essays

World Journal of Social Sciences
Vol. 3. No. 2. March 2013 Issue. Pp. 103 – 113

Affiliate Marketing: The Case of Online Content Providers in
Farooq Hossan* and Issa Ahammad**
The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge of affiliate marketing and investigate the views of content providers toward it in Bangladesh. Both primary and secondary data are used in this paper. This paper is exploratory in nature.
Affiliate marketing is an agreement between a merchant and content providers to promote merchant’s products or services at their websites against payment.
Here the task of content providers is not only to deliver the advertisement but also to persuade viewers to convert into customers. Findings from the …show more content…

Our research questions are: what are online advertising and affiliate marketing? What are the different advantages, disadvantages and compensation models of affiliate marketing? What are the responses of content providers by various characteristics of affiliate marketing in
In the context of Bangladesh, online advertising and affiliate marketing practice is new and it is developing. It offers various opportunities for the content providers and the merchants in our country. In near future, it is expected to gain more acceptability and popularity. Already some companies have started using affiliate marketing in
Bangladesh. So, this is the time to conduct the research on such issue to understand affiliate marketing and to disseminate the knowledge gained from findings. The research findings are different from previous studies from the sense of uniqueness of this paper in Bangladesh. This study is conducted to (i) investigate the knowledge of affiliate marketing and (ii) find out the views of content providers toward it.
The remainder of the paper is designed in eleven sections. Section 2 presents the literature review leads to spell out the objectives of the study in section 3. Section 4 discusses the methodology. Section 5 and 6 highlight online advertising and affiliate marketing, and advantages-disadvantages of affiliate marketing. Authors put compensation model in affiliate

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