Picture going through your school years academically working hard in optimisms of going to a suitable four year university and broadening your viewpoints. Regrettably, many students in America struggle to grasp this goal only to be rejected for the reason that the university had to meet a racial quota. Each year in the United State frequently students are turned down from the colleges, subsequently; the university is obligatory to select a set amount of minorities before them thanks to something known as affirmative action. Affirmative action was established in 1961, in hopes the government to make up for the previous discriminations toward minorities. Thus, an effort to provide full and equal opportunities in employment, education, and other areas for women, minorities, and individuals. On the other hand, you may be a minority who simply cannot earn the feeling of equality because of educational and employed handicaps such as being unconstitutional, reverse discrimination, and creates discouragement. Yet, there are many good reasons, but I believe that it is a new form of discrimination.
After reading numerous articles about affirmative action and viewing the film Beyond Black and White: Affirmative Action in America, one can understand the many viewpoints on the subject. What first comes into mind is the Fourteenth Amendment which states, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall condense the privileges or immunities of the United States citizens; nor disagree
In the controversial realms of affirmative action, the largest issue staunchly fought over is whether minorities should be given preferential treatment in the workplace and in the schools. One side declares that those in the minority group need and deserve governmental aid so that they will be on equal footing with the majority group. Opponents of affirmative action point out that setting apart groups based on their race or ethnicity is purely racism and can lead to reverse discrimination. I am against affirmative action for the aforementioned reasons, and would not consider such racism as necessary for creating a healthy society, as proponents would insist. It is my belief that affirmative action today is out of date and is
Campral: Generic name is acamprosate. This oral medication works with behavioral changes and counseling to reinstate the chemical balance in the brain of an alcohol-reliant individual. However, it is not expected to be beneficial if the individual has not stopped drinking or experienced detoxification as well as addiction to other substances (Procyshyn, 2015). Campral does not go through hepatic metabolism but is excreted as unaffected drug through the kidneys. As a result, its half-life is about 20-33 hours with a negligible protein binding. When taken with food, Campral Cmax and AUC are decreased by about 42% and 23%, respectively; nonetheless, no dose adjustment is necessary and the drug may be given with meals (Drugs, 2017).
The revered civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” In other words, don’t discriminate people because of their race. This should hold true in all aspects of life. Every American deserves an equal opportunity to succeed, which is why affirmative action is inherently racist. Affirmative action refers to various government policies that aim to increase the proportion of minorities and women in jobs and educational institutions historically dominated by white men. The policies usually require employers and institutions to set goals for hiring or admitting minorities. It is responsible for colleges discriminating against Eastern Asians and whites and for employers hiring workers based off of skin color rather than skills or experience. People can’t change their race (except for former president of the Spokane N.A.A.C.P. chapter, Rachel Dolezal, apparently), yet many colleges and employers favor certain races over others by using quotas, or a fixed number of people of each race.
Although the issue of racial considerations in college admissions has evolved into very much an ethical debate, there have been many legal actions taken. The basis for all the actions is the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says that no state shall “deny to any
Affirmative Action is an employment legislation protection system that is intended to address the systemized discrimination faced by women and minorities. It achieves this by enforcing diversity through operational intrusions into recruitment, selection, and other personnel functions and practices in America. Originally, Affirmative Action arose because of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s desire to integrate society on educational, employment, and economic levels, yet it was John F. Kennedy who issued Executive Order 10925 to create the Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, a commission that evolved into our modern Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Proponents of affirmative action believe that because, historically, many minority groups were denied jobs and mistreated, they have been unable to recover from their impoverished state and are thus, at a disadvantage. They believe that because they generally live in poorer areas, they face more struggles than their white counterparts. They believe that such struggles make it more difficult for blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities to succeed and therefore, should increase their acceptance rates into universities to try to level the playing field for the
History needs to be revisited in order to understand the need for Affirmative Action. The Founding Fathers did not define “men” as Caucasian men only, but that all races and genders should be included in the equality mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. It would have been nice for the Founding Fathers to define the meaning of certain words in the founding documents, but they did not see the need for such information. Based on the actions of people in the early years of America, it can be determined that Caucasian males were considered to be on a higher plane than other races or genders. The majority of slave owners
Affirmative action has been around for decades. Some believe it isn’t fair but others do. Those who believe and agree with affirmative action tend to say, “The principle of affirmative action is to promote societal equality through the preferential treatment of socioeconomically disadvantaged people” (Bidmead, Andrew pg 3). Others that disagree with it and find it unfair simply see it as another form of discrimination, giving one group extra advantages based upon nothing but their skin color (Cline, Austin pg 1). I believe that affirmative action is indeed fair because it gives minorities a better chance at having a successful career in their near future.
I think affirmative action was fair at its inception under Lynden B. Johnson, and throughout the remainder of the 20th century, but I don’t feel it’s fair in society today.
In the United States justice is defined as equal treatment of all its citizens under the law. When one citizen is mistreated an injustice has been committed against all people. Affirmative Action is a program whose purpose is to make sure that citizens are treated equally by enforcing a set of policies which are designed to promote the inclusion of all individuals regardless of race, disability, sex, or religion. In the United States democracy we are all equal, but some groups have been enjoying more advantages in society than others for centuries. Current statistics show the depth of modern day racial gaps, which are rooted in historical discrimination and modern-day structural racism. Generations of nominal disadvantages have created
Throughout America there are many different views on the effects of affirmative action. Many see it as a negative policy which gives an unnecessary advantage to minorities in America. In a 2009 Pew Poll, “58% of African Americans agree” and only “22% whites agree” that there should be “preferential treatment to improve the position of blacks and other minorities” ("Public Backs Affirmative Action”).
Affirmative Action has been around for many decades from around the 1940s. Although it has not always been called affirmative action, the official title was not introduced until the 1960s. Back then affirmative action was more known as segregation or discrimination in the workplace or there lack of. The women and people of color were the targets of discrimination, which several presidents tried to correct for equality.
Affirmative action is actually dividing the country into two different racial categories: all minorities against the majority. This causes severe resentment towards those minorities who are less qualified yet are preferred because they feel sympathy or pity towards them. When trying to apply and qualify for scholarships an applicant will find that the majority of the scholarships are for minority or specific race only descendants. This disqualifies everyone who needs the scholarship, but was not born under a certain type of ancestry.
It was August and I went to the pet store to get a new dog. My previous dog ran away and I never saw him again. I knew this was going to be the dog because it was my third dog now so I know exactly how to train them. I showed the nice lady which one I wanted and she got me it. It was a really little chiwowa. I named him Paco because it rhymes with taco.
For the past few years, Marijuana legalization has been a great debate on a national scale with people pointing out the flaws that come with recreational use and others insisting that the information regarding marijuana’s risks are incorrect and have been distorted.In reality, it’s not only the position one takes that really matters, it seems to be a matter of who has raised the most money for their campaign. Evidently, the people in favor of legalization have an advantage because they are “financed largely by national organizations” as stated by Kirk Johnson in the article “For Marijuana, a Second Wave of Votes to Legalize”. He discusses the problems that come with such an issue and how money is easily effecting it.It seems to be turning