
Afghanistan Cold War Essay

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Like many countries throughout the world, the America’s involvement in Afghanistan began during the Cold War. Communists in 1978 seized power under the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, the PDPA, led by Nur Muhammad Taraki. The PDPA attempted to impose secular reforms and land redistribution, resulting in serious opposition. This opposition proved particularly forceful amongst the country’s religious leaders, who also represented a new wave Islamic revivalism within the Muslim world. By 1979 the communists were loosing control and President Carter authorized funding for covert action in the form of medical aid and propaganda for the opposition. In response the Soviets stepped up their presence and contributions to the communists …show more content…

This was partially because even though the Soviets had officially withdrawn, they continued aiding Najibullah with arms and money to thwart those seeking to topple his communist regime. The CIA’s initial goal was to take Jalabad in eastern Afghanistan, under the leadership of American Ambassador to Pakistan, Robert Oakley, and Prime Minister of Afghanistan Benazir Bhutto. Once the battle was won we planned to install Pushtun leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyr, a violent and zealously anti-communist Afghani who spent years in Pakistan working with the …show more content…

Many of these groups were based on complex ethnic ties and territories throughout Afghanistan, which repeatedly failed to coalesce under a single national authority. Scholar Kamal Matinuddin explains that because of the “tribal nature of Afghan society,” the country was incapable of delivering a “charismatic leader who, as an accepted political figure and as the head of a national army, would command the respect of all anti-communist elements in the Afghanistan.” Eventually these factions reached an agreement under the Peshawar Accord, which established an interim government, the Islamic State of Afghanistan and included Ahmad Shah Massoud. However, there was one exception:

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