
African American Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

An important number of research has been conducted on African American cultural identity. For research report, few of them were read. In the researches consulted in order to conduct this study different names were used to name identity and various variables were found to explain identity.
In their respective studies, Croker (1991), Livingston (2010), Rowley (1998), and Hughes (1989), use the concept of self -esteem to name cultural identity. Monteith (1999) uses the concept of race attitude in place of identity. Hitlin (2003) uses the term of self-concept identity instead of cultural identity. He emphasizes that identity is a self-representation. Altschul (2006). Altschul (2006) utilizes the concept racial-ethnic-identity (REI) to name identity. Self-esteem and identity are the two frequently use in the literature read for this research.
As the concepts used to name …show more content…

For instance, Altschul, in “Racial Ethnicity Identity in Mid-Adolescence” found that academic achievement and awareness of racism are factors of connectedness to one’s identity. (2006) Altschul explained that awareness of racism leads to self-consciousness and bring the question of to which group do I belong? Livingston( 2010) in “ Black Studies and Political Ideology as Predictors of Self-Esteem” stated that taking courses on Black studies gives positive image of Blacks and has a positive effect on the way Blacks see themselves and on the way non- black individuals taking these courses perceive African American. He emphasizes that black studies are an important factor of identity among African Americans. Rowley (1998) takes the same approach in his study. In “The Relationship between Racial Identity and Self-esteem in African American College”, Rowley’s major finding was that racial regard and self-esteem have a strong relationship in

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