
African American Justice System

Decent Essays

“…and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans,” is the final part of the United States Justice System Mission statement. That is, however, not the case in the slightest. America’s justice system is messed up, broken, one might say. There are several groups throughout our country that face harsher sentencing for the same crimes other groups do, and that is in no way ‘fair and impartial.’ America’s justice system does not treat everyone that is convicted equally or fairly.
According to the NAACP, African Americans are incarcerated 5 times more than whites. Some argue that this is because African Americans commit more crimes, because it is common knowledge that they are outnumbered in population by whites. However, in almost every case, despite the degree of the crime, African americans are charged more harshly. Minorities, mainly African americans are charged or sentenced much harsher than that of whites. According to an investigation done by the Herald Tribune, In Florida, whites receive around 200 days for drug charges, and blacks receive around 325. For battery, whites received around 175 and blacks received around 225. …show more content…

It applies to gender as well. According to a paper written by Proff. Sonja Starr, “men receive 63% longer sentences than women do.” Counterarguments to these claims are that men commit worse crimes than women. However, according to Starr’s paper, women are two times more likely to avoid incarceration if they are convicted. On top of that, when a woman walks into the court room, and they are defending themselves against a male, or even vise versa, the sympathy automatically goes to the woman. Many people often assume that women are the victims in any case, even when it is the exact

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