
African Americans Freedom Summer Essay

Decent Essays

Freedom Summer The 1960s was a very hostile time for African Americans, especially in one particular state. In Mississippi, only 7% of the African American population was registered to vote, while other southern states had about 50%-60% of the black community participating in elections. Though preventing someone from voting based on their skin color was unconstitutional, many towns in Mississippi made it almost impossible for anyone of color to enter the voting booth. Many efforts to try to encourage voting in African Americans failed due to the fear of what would happen after the attempt. The possible consequences for those who pursued in the right to vote was having their name publicized in local newspapers, losing their job, or facing the threat of violence against …show more content…

African Americans were taught to be “second class citizens” compared to white people, bowing to white men and having to be respectful to all the unlawful rules of segregation. The Klu Klux Klan was never causing the mayhem in Mississippi; an organization called the Citizens’ Council was the group generating the strife against the black community. The Citizens’ Council was running the state because it involved many political leaders, those in charge of voting registration, the police force, and mass amounts of citizens. Efforts were made by bold African Americans to increase the number of black voters in Mississippi, but people were too afraid to challenge the white community and those that did try to register to vote were simply denied. Many times, the poor black community did not receive food during the wintertime as a punishment for “defying the white man” by trying to register to vote; this was the last straw. In the summer of 1964, the campaign called Freedom Summer, or also known as the Mississippi Summer Project, was launched in order to bring awareness to the hateful and backwards setting of

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