
African Music Influence

Decent Essays

The Influence of African Music
African music is unique. It is a form of freedom and expression that attempt to revolutionize societies for the better. African music has turned the pain of slavery into musical and artistic greatness. The music of Africa has an exponential journey through major nations and countries around the world such as the Caribbean, USA, and Brazil. The African influence in the music contributed in displaying the struggle and success that these nations have experienced over the years. The significance of music to the people in these regions has always been massive as it strengthens the bond between the people within societies. Overall, African music and its retentions have several defining qualities that created substantial influence in these nations.
African influence in music is so important for a wide variety of reasons such as keeping the identity of these nations alive and eliminating misconceptions about African music. In the Caribbean, USA, and Brazil, most of the creation of music was associated with nationalism and independence. During these times, people try to hold onto every unique element that identifies who they are. The African influence was one of these elements. It allows the people to take pride in their …show more content…

The significance of Jazz to the people in the USA is important because it caused social changes and broke down the racial inequalities. Jazz was more than just music, especially around the time of World War II. At that time, Jazz was used to escape from all the pain that the war brought to the people. Jazz was the healer for the musicians and the audiences as well. Furthermore, Jazz is significant to the people because it represents a huge chunk of their musical history. Throughout its rich and evolving journey, Jazz has blessed the musical history of the USA with many talented and dedicated musicians who are known around the world

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